Tuesday, June 23, 2015

On the Other Side of New Initiatives

A couple years ago I wrote a post that outlined the tremendous number of new initiatives on the teaching table, initiatives that included CCSS, a new teacher evaluation system, RETELL, tech reforms, a reconfiguration, and more.

It was a terribly busy time of change with plenty of disruption. It seems like we're on the other side of that change now and I must say that it feels good.

The changes have rooted in our systemwide service to children in ways that are successful and meet educator/student needs. It's not perfect, but we're definitely a long way from the upsetting start of so many initiatives at once.

What does this mean for the work we do?

It means that now it's time to deepen our efforts to serve children well and streamline the systems in place so that they serve the work we do well without overwhelming staff and students alike. It's a time of strengthening our sense of team with families, colleagues, students, leaders, and community members.

I'm sure next year will be filled with surprises, but I believe it will also be filled with work well done for the children we aim to serve every day. It feels good to be on the other side of so many initiatives.